
Singer/ Songwriter


Schiffbruch im Mittelmeer - mit meinem Song bitte ich um Spenden für Seawatch:

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Upcoming dates:
Sonntag, 04. Mai                  Kinderprogramm beim "Frühlingserwachen" Blaubeuren
Sonntag, 08. Juni                 Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Dienstag, 10.Juni                 Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Donnerstag, 12. Juni           Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Samstag, 19.Juli  
Liederfest im Spatzennest":
Kinderprogramm und politische Songs
Donnerstag, 24. Juli  
"Keine Zeit mehr"   Soloprogramm  GT Neu-Ulm
Sonntag, 17. August  
Bardentreff Blaubeuren  - Strassenmusik
Sonntag, 21. September
Kinderprogramm beim Familienfest Spatzennest

Mein Song:

Wir wolln unsre Stadt nicht braun!

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017

Two-way Waltz

You're a quicksilver lady
A child of the morning
A flower by day
A slow fire by night
But he's taught you things
For all that you've shown him
He's a gazer of stars
A blue crystal light

And sometimes he cries
And he says things
That pierce you
To your soul
But he's still a man
Who loves you
And it hurts
To let you go

You're a man with the power
Of rattlesnake lightning
Hard like the mountains
But soft like the sun
And she's taught you things
For all that you've shown her
She's a weaver of visions
In threads finely spun

And sometimes she cries
And she walks away
Held by the dreams
That find her
But she's still a woman
Who loves you
And her heart
Will always remind her

So dance for the day
But watch for the signs
That point out your way
When the doubt fills your eyes
And try to believe
That the sweetest hello
Always comes after
The hardest goodbye

For two ways can sometimes
Make one
That's stronger
That either alone
So dancers join hands
For the two-way waltz
But take the steps
On your own

Words and music by Kate Wolf.
Copyright 1979 Another Sundown Publishing Co BMI.

Songs and lyrics in german and english 0