
Singer/ Songwriter


Schiffbruch im Mittelmeer - mit meinem Song bitte ich um Spenden für Seawatch:

Vorschaubild - Youtube

Mein Song:

Wir wolln unsre Stadt nicht braun!

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017

Songs of "Flower of Avalon"



Capo IV

Intro: (Am)(G)(F)(G) . . . (four times)

(Am)It is (G)rain, it is (F)age, it is (G)poison
(Am)Suppli(G)cation to (F)family (G)honor
(Am)Little (G)children with (F)keys to the (G)temple
(Am)Red (G)lights and (F)silver (G)dimes

(Em)It's waiting (F)for a sun that (C)punishes but (Dsus2)seldom shines
(F)Living and (G)dying in the (Em)shadow of E(F)vange(G)line

(Am)(G)(F)(G) . . . (Am)(G)(F)(G)

(Am)She is (G)young, like her (F)mother be(G)fore her
(Am)Put-up (G)tired at the (F)end of her (G)labors
(Am)True-be(G)lieving and (F)ever-de(G)siring
(Am)Quiz (G)shows and (F)checkout (G)lines

(Em)In porchlight (F)halo ringed a(C)bout by moss and (Dsus2)hanging vines
(F)She casts the (G)never changing (Em)shadow of E(F)vange(G)line

(Am)(G)(F)(G) . . . (four times)

(Am)In the (G)bang and the (F)crash of the (G)factory
(Am)In a (G)hot, cutting (F)season of (G)metal
(Am)On the (G)floor of an (F)ocean of (G)contracts
(Am)Skin (G)drums and (F)shrunken (G)heads

(Em)Strange dances (F)long undone go (C)stamping in be(Dsus2)tween the lines
(F)Old gods, in(G)carnate in the (Em)shadow of E(F)vange(G)line

(Am)(G)(F)(G) . . . (Am)(G)(F)(G) . . . (Am)(G)(F)(G)(Am)

©Dave Carter circa 1995





Capo IV

(G)My love is (D)like a gypsy (G)rose
Wild is the (C)only (D)way he (G)grows
Out where the (C)sweet Ju(D)ly winds (Bm)blow
He blooms over (C)yon(D)der

(G)His voice is (D)like a mountain (G)stream
Washes me (C)clear, wash(D)es me (G)clean
I walk a(C)long the (D)banks se(Bm)rene
Where he will (C)wan(D)der

(G)There is no (D)hill high as the (Em)moon
No river (C)deeper (D)than the (G)sea
No shooting (D)star, reckless in (Em)flight
Burns in the (Bm)night
Wild as the (Em)love he (D)gave to (C)me
Only the (G)rain knows where he (D)goes
(B7)Thunder and (Em)me
(D)Ramblin (C)with my (D)gypsy (G)rose

(G)And on the (D)day that we were (G)wed
Up to the (C)altar (D)he was (G)led
Lay like a (C)prisoner (D)in my (Bm)bed
Oh, how we (C)shi(D)vered

(G)So I built a (D)house to keep him (G)in
Guarded him (C)from the (D)sun and (G)wind
But in the (C)autumn (D)he grew (Bm)thin
In winter, he (C)with(D)ered


(G)My love was (D)buried in the (G)spring
I see his (C)face in (D)blossoming (G)things
One night I (C)thought I (D)heard him (Bm)sing
Down in the (C)hol(D)low

(G)Now it's been (D)thirty years and (G)three
Every (C)night he (D)calls to (G)me
And for as (C)long as (D)I shall (Bm)be
I know I'll (C)fol(D)low




LAUGHLIN BOY . . . William Jolliff


Capo II

Yes, this song is practically just a G chord all the way through.

(G)Have you heard many a story
Told by old and young with (D)joy
A(G)bout the faithful deed of daring
That was done by the Laughlin boy
That was done by the Laughlin boy

Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie

The Laughlin boy was a boy of honor
And he loved Virginia (D)well
(G)But he would not fire a rifle
So he sat in an cold jail cell
So he sat in an cold jail cell

He was pierced and he was beaten
Forty stripes he gladly (D)bore
(G)But he would not serve the devil
In that awful Civil War
In that awful Civil War

Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie

Twelve gray soldiers stood before him
And they aimed their rifles (D)true
(G)He prayed Lord, "Oh please forgive them
For they know not what they do
For they know not what they do"

Those young soldiers would not fire
They defied the General's (D)plan
(G)So the army changed his sentence
Who could murder such a man?
Who could murder such a man?

Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me children, well I wouldn't tell a lie

They hauled him far away to Richmond
Far away from his kids and (D)wife
(G)There, pneumonia racked his body
That good man soon lost his life
That good man soon lost his life

Now his wife is sadly weeping
Seven children wonder (D)why
(G)Lord it seems that truth and honor
Sure can come at an awful price
Sure can come at an awful price

Listen to me, children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me, children, well I wouldn't tell a lie

Have you heard many a story
Told by old and young with (D)joy
A(G)bout the fateful deed of daring
That was done by the Laughlin boy
That was done by the Laughlin boy

Listen to me, children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me, children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me, children, well I wouldn't tell a lie
Listen to me, children, well I (D)would not (G)lie

Listen to me, children . . .
Listen to me, children . . .
Listen to me, children . . .
Listen to me, children





Capo I

The (A)(A/G)(/F#) is a walkdown on which you should pluck the bass notes in bold:

(A): x0222x
(A/G): 30222x
(A/F#): 20222x

(B): x24400

(E)Lonesome stranger, won't you (A)share my (E)bed
The (A)sidewalk (E)siren at the (B)bus stop (E)said
Love is a tear in a (A)salty (E)bay
And it's (A)hard to (E)make it in this (B)world to(E)day

(A)Love is a river, but the (A/G)river run (A/F#)dry
And the (E)clouds blow bitter in a boneyard sky
(A)Flesh dries up and it (A/G)burns a(A/F#)way
And you (E)can't remember where your heart once lay
And it's hard to make it in this (B)world to(E)day

(E)Dandy Don, he's a (A)velvet (E)hand
He's my (A)silent (E)partner, he's the (B)inside (E)man
Holds me shakin through the (A)shotgun (E)dawn
And he (A)keeps me (E)walkin down this (B)road I'm (E)on

(A)Keeps me runnin when he (A/G)calls my (A/F#)name
(E)He shines the light but he kills the flame
(A)Stones me simple when I (A/G)try to (A/F#)speak
And he (E)bruise my face but he kiss my cheek
And it's hard to make it when you (B)get this (E)weak

(E)One of these mornings, gonna (A)spread my (E)wings
Like a (A)red-ass (E)robin at the (B)gates of (E)spring
Rise up singing on a (A)cyclone (E)wind
Till the (A)walls of this (E)city come (B)tumblin (E)in

(A)Walls of this city come (A/G)tumblin, (A/F#)rumblin
(E)'Round my head like an old man stumblin
(A)I don't care if the (A/G)mountains (A/F#)fall
There's a (E)little blue egg in the middle of this all
And it's hard to make it when you (B)feel so (E)small

(E)Bus pulled up and I (A)climbed (E)inside
I (A)sat in the (E)window and I (B)waved good(E)bye
She stood starin at the (A)blue ma(E)chine
Singin (A)nobody (E)knows the (B)trouble I've (E)seen

(A)Nobody cares and (A/G)nobody (A/F#)knows
Only (E)weeds remember where your headstone grows
And it's (A)dust to ashes and (A/G)wings to (A/F#)clay
And I (E)check my wallet as we pull away
'Cause it's hard to make it in this (B)world to(E)day




Capo I

Dsus2: xxx230
G: 320033
C: x32033

(Am)TV's on, the (G)favorite son is (C)watchin how the (Dsus2)West was won
Daddy, please, a (Am)plastic gun, get brother (G)one for twice the (Dsus2)fun
(Am)Little camo (G)helmet heads, (F)makin brave and (C)playin dead
And missiles made of (G)gingerbread, dollars on the (Dsus2)dime

(Am)Hey ho, (C)so it goes, the (G)point of sale, the (Am)puppet show
The (C)merchant kings of (G)war and woe have turned their hands to (Dsus2)labor
(Am)Sound out the (C)trumpet noise, the (G)cannons bark and (Am)jump for joy
(C)Someone's dread and (G)darlin boy has fallen on his (Am)saber

(Am)Another world a(G)cross the sea, (C)home for little (Dsus2)busy bees
Sweatin in some (Am)factory, hurry (G)please, more of (Dsus2)these
(Am)Action dolls with (G)laser sights, (F)robot planes that (C)shoot at night
Faster kid, and (G)get it right, they're rollin down the (Dsus2)line


(Am)These days the (G)spin machine is (C)always on the (Dsus2)silver screen
Secret plots and (Am)submarines, foreign (G)fiends and maga(Dsus2)zines
(Am)Wave the flag and (G)watch the news, (F)tell us we can (C)count on you
Mom and Dad are (G)marchin too, children, step in (Dsus2)time


So (Am)bring your kids and (G)coddled pets, (C)bouncin babes in (Dsus2)bassinets
We'll play a game with (Am)tanks and jets, better (G)yet -- bayo(Dsus2)nets
(Am)Marchin bands and (G)colorguards, (F)funerals in your (C)own back yard
Don't forget your (G)credit card, Johnny, hold the (Dsus2)line






Capo I

On (G)tomorrow's painted (C)wagon, in a (G)yester-dreamin (C)day
I (G)rode to Heaven (C)never thinkin (Am)I'd be back this (C)way
Now I'm (G)standin at your (C)doorstep with my (G)halo turnin (Am7)gray
(C)Open (C/B)up your (D)gate, (D/F#)Mari(G)ana

Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)sought the chosen (G)people
But I (C)found no one to (D)com(D/F#)fort (G)me
Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)climbed the highest (G)steeple
I found (C)nothing (D)to be(G)lieve

When they (G)called my faults a(C)gainst the wall, I (G)took my place in (C)line
And (G)put my trust in (C)priestly men to (Am)break the ties that (C)bind
But their (G)straight and narrow (C)highway's just a (G)row of billboard (Am7)signs
(C)Open (C/B)up your (D)gate, (D/F#)Mari(G)ana

Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)sang the sacred (G)Psalter
But no (C)savior came to (D)com(D/F#)fort (G)me
Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
I went (C)naked to the (G)altar
I found (C)nothing (D)to be(G)lieve

So I (G)set my feet to (C)walkin from the (G)sidewalk to the (C)sand
In (G)search of any (C)saint or sage who (Am)knew the master (C)plan
And I (G)wandered every (C)backroad in that (G)broken promise (Am7)land
(C)Open (C/B)up your (D)gate, (D/F#)Mari(G)ana

Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)kept the plain and (G)simple
But no (C)shepherd came to (D)com(D/F#)fort (G)me
Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
I stood (C)shiverin in the (G)temple
I found (C)nothing (D)to be(G)lieve

As (G)lightnin burns these (C)bridges under, (G)smoke will surely (C)rise
And the (G)fables of my (C)innocence blow (Am)lazy through the (C)skies
When (G)timeless truths re(C)veal themselves as (G)little more than (Am7)lies
(C)Open (C/B)up your (D)gate, (D/F#)Mari(G)ana

Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)razed the tainted (G)chapel
But no (C)angel came to (D)com(D/F#)fort (G)me
Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)stormed the Tower of (G)Babel
I found (C)nothing (D)to be(G)lieve

So (G)sticks and stones might (C)break this body, (G)words might wound my (C)soul
And (G)phantom visions (C)fly me where the (Am)faithful fear to (C)go
But (G)when this story's (C)over and my (G)sun is sinkin (Am7)low
(C)Open (C/B)up your (D)gate, (D/F#)Mari(G)ana

Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother the (C)years pass out of (G)countin
But no (C)prophet comes to (D)com(D/F#)fort (G)me
Lay me (D)down in the (C)dark womb of your (G)love
Mother I (C)climbed the holy (G)mountain
I found (C)nothing (D)to be(G)lieve
Mother I (C)climbed the holy mountain
I found (D)nothing (D/F#)to be(G)lieve





(Am)He was born in Miller's mansion when the (G)mistress was a(Am)sleep
The (C)secret son of the (G)chambermaid and (Am)master
And they sent him into hiding for his (G)schooling and his (Am)keep
With the (C)Carlysles and the (G)other lucky (Am)bastards

(Am)Now his toady tutors fawn and praise the (G)man that he's be(Am)come
Though he's (C)taken to the (G)Laudanum and (Esus)Faro (E)
And he (Am)walks the streets like velvet death with his (G)daddy's money on his (Am)breath
And a (C)shame he cannot (G)shake down in his (Am)marrow

When (Am)day fades to black you must not (Dm)listen to the killer
Pretty (C)voices keep you (G)beautiful and (Esus)bound (E)
'Cause the (Am)simple sorry fact of your ex(Dm)istence, Preston Miller
Is e(F)nough to bring this (G)house of evil (Am)down

(Am)One night upon some drunken dare he (G)writes his absent (Am)sire
Saying (C)"Father, I would (G)fain come home to (Am)meet thee"
And though his worthless friends guffaw at this (G)sudden show of (Am)fire
A(C)nother round of (G)bourbon and it's (Am)easy

(Am)And this letter finds his father in his (G)tower far a(Am)way
And the (C)hoary claw that (G)holds it shakes and (Am)trembles
Is it (Am)grief over a life misspent, or (G)love or greed or mere contempt
Or (C)something darker (G)stirring in his (Am)temples


(Am)A week gone by, he's wakened by a (G)knockin' at his (Am)door
And he (C)drags himself half-(G)wasted to the (Am)threshold
It's a message in his father's quill saying (G)"Meet me, scion, if you (Am)will
At the (C)very stroke of (G)midnight in the (Am)meadow"

(Am)Now he has combed his laggard locks, and (G)hired a comely (Am)roan,
And he's (C)met his comrade (G)fops around the (Esus)fountain (E)
And he's (Am)bidden each a grand goodbye, and he's (G)cantered off a(Am)lone
To (C)meet his aged (G)father in the (Am)mountains


(Am)"Oh Father dear, come out, come out, I (G)honor thee to(Am)night,"
He (C)shouts as he goes (G)weaving in the (Am)saddle
And he sees the stars go blinking by, like the (G)twinkling in a (Am)trollop's eye
And six (C)riders riding (G)madly in the (Am)shadows

(Am)This morning sailed a ship of fools (G)across a sea of (Am)gin
With a (C)blind and grinning (G)reaper at the (Am)tiller
And it (Am)drove an aging Jacob to his (G)lone and bitter (Am)end
And a (C)bullet through the (G)brain of Preston (Am)Miller





Capo I

As the (G)sun is to the city
In the (Gmaj7)endless weeping winter
So is (C)joy to me, and pity
When he (Em)leaves me falsely (D)tender
Like the (G)true love's knot we tethered
Plastic (Gmaj7)ivy 'round the portal
For to (C)frame the spring forever
Though the (Em)blizzard took the (D)mortal holy (C)rose
(D)It's always winter when he (G)goes (D)

As a (G)matter of convenience
We don't (Gmaj7)speak of dying gardens
As a (C)woman of heart and lenience
I make (Em)liberal with my (D)pardons
I am (G)generous with kindess
He with (Gmaj7)smiles and exaltations
Though he (C)binds his wounds in silence
I my (Em)own in practiced (D)patience
Lest he (C)know
(D)It's always winter when he (C)goes
(D)It's always winter when he (G)goes

(Em)He col(Bm)lects the twigs and briars
I (C)stack them (D)up for (Em)fire
But it's (D)chilly for the (C)burning

(Em)He (Bm)slumbers in the straw
I (C)hold out (D)for the (Em)thaw
For the (D)seasons won't be (C)turning

As I'm (G)writing you this letter
The (Gmaj7)bluestem's running riot
The (C)daisies break their fetters
And the (Em)bees will not lay (D)quiet
If you (G)find him where he's dancin'
With his (Gmaj7)lover or his jailer
Say in (C)April's splendid mansion
I lay (Em)broken by his (D)trailer in the (C)snow
(D)It's always winter when he (C)goes
(D)It's always winter when he (C)goes
(D)It's always winter when he (G)goes (D)(C)



Songs and lyrics in german and english 0