
Singer/ Songwriter


Schiffbruch im Mittelmeer - mit meinem Song bitte ich um Spenden für Seawatch:

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Upcoming dates:
Sonntag, 04. Mai                  Kinderprogramm beim "Frühlingserwachen" Blaubeuren
Sonntag, 08. Juni                 Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Dienstag, 10.Juni                 Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Donnerstag, 12. Juni           Kinderprogramm "Spatzenwiese" Ulm
Samstag, 19.Juli  
Liederfest im Spatzennest":
Kinderprogramm und politische Songs
Donnerstag, 24. Juli  
"Keine Zeit mehr"   Soloprogramm  GT Neu-Ulm
Sonntag, 17. August  
Bardentreff Blaubeuren  - Strassenmusik
Sonntag, 21. September
Kinderprogramm beim Familienfest Spatzennest

Mein Song:

Wir wolln unsre Stadt nicht braun!

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017

Gun Shy

Gun Shy

I always knew that you would take yourself so far from home as soon as,
and as far as you could go.

By the 1/4 inch cut of your hair by the Army issue
green, for the past eight weeks I can tell where you've been.

For I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me there was soldier's blue blood
streaming inside your veins.

There is a world outside of this room and when you
meet it promise me that you won't meet it with your gun.

So now you are one, one of the brave few, and it's awful sad we need boys
like you.

I hope the day never comes for "Here's your live round son. Stock and
barrel, safety, trigger, here's your gun."

Well I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me there was soldiers blue blood streaming inside your veins.
There is a world outside of this room and when you meet it promise me that you
won't meet it with your gun taking aim.

For I don't mean to argue, that they've
made a decent boy of you and I don't mean to spoil your home coming, but baby
brother you should expect me to.

"Stock and barrel, safety, trigger, here's your gun."

So now does your heart pitter pat with a patriotic song when you see the stripes of Old Glory

For I knew, I could see, it was all cut and dried to me there was
soldier's blue blood streaming inside your veins.

There is a world outside of this room and when you meet it promise me that you won't meet it with your gun
taking aim.

I don't mean to argue, they've made a decent boy of you and I don't
mean to spoil your homecoming

my baby brother Jude and I don't mean to hurt you

by saying this again, they're so good at making soldiers but they're not as 
good at making men.



Songs and lyrics in german and english 0