
Singer/ Songwriter


Mein Song:

Wir wolln unsre Stadt nicht braun!

Vorschaubild - Youtube

Upcoming dates:
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder auf der Spatzenwiese am
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 15:30 Uhr - Sonntag, 26.Mai 15:30 Uhr - Mittwoch, 05.Juni 15:30 Uhr

Kinderlieder beim "Liederfest im Spatzennest"
am Samstag, 13.Juli ab 14:30 Uhr:
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)

Sonntag, 25. August 11-19 Uhr
Sechster Blaubeurer Bardentreff

Sonntag , 08. September ab 14:30 Uhr
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder

Samstag, 21. September 10-14 Uhr
"Green Parking Day" Ulm-City

Donnerstag, 26. September 14:30 Uhr
Generationentreff Neu-Ulm, Reuttierstr. 23
im Rahmen der internationale Woche gegen Rassismus:
Songs gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung

Samstag, 05.Oktober 10:00 Uhr Donauhalle Ulm
Songs gegen rechts
bei der Kundgebung gegen den AFD-Parteitag in Ulm

Schiffbruch im Mittelmeer - mit meinem Song bitte ich um Spenden für Seawatch:

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017

Songs and lyrics of Hermanitou

Including lyrics of some singer/songwriters, some songbooks and informations about "Country & Western"

I believe in evolution of all creatures. All creatures are equal. Man is rational. Love is essential. War is evil. Religion can be a value for some men or women, but without political or moral power. Everyone is free but responsible. Slavery is a crime!




We are crying for a vision
that all living things can share
And those who care
are with us everywhere.  - (Kate Wolf)




Here are some of the songs I wrote and some we are performing as the duet "the hermannettes".

We like country, western, folk, ballads and chansons.

Favorites of myself are the unforgotten Kate Wolf, and the wonderful songs of Dave Carter too. In Germany I like songs from Gerhard Gundermann, FJ Degenhardt and Tamara Danz.

All these singer/songwriters died too soon. But in my heart they will live forever, and they will live when we sing some of the songs, both in english and german lyrics.

I began also to transform german songs in english. One example is the song "A new day", originally a german song "Ein neuer Tag" but the basic is an irish novel. And thats the circle I like  :-)

I try to understand the great and creative scene from western/country music, bluegrass and singer/songwriters up from USA and Canada, back to irish/scottish/welsh sources  and down to Australia.
And I am happy to have some really engaged people here in South Germany who make concerts possible with great singer /songwriters like Hugh and Katy Moffatt, Kimmie Rhodes, Laurie Lewis, James Talley  and so on....

One association is the "Western & Country friends" in Koetz.


Thank you for that.



P.S. We (the "hermannettes") are now on Youtube too, please check: Videos


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Songs and lyrics in german and english 0